Renewables fail

Rockefeller University, New York: 25-
Renewables fail environmental test
Renewable does not mean green. This is the surprising result of research done by Professor Jesse Ausubel of Rockefeller University, New York. We might be able to build enough wind farms to produce all the energy the world needs, he says. Or dam enough rivers. Or grow enough biomass.
But we will wreck the environment if we do.
Ausubel worked out the power each kind of renewable energy produces for a given area of land that it disturbs. In other words he calculated power per square metre.
He showed that renewable energy needs enormous areas of land. He compares the destruction of nature by renewables with the space needed by nuclear power.
Nuclear energy is green," he says. "Considered in watts per square metre, nuclear has astronomical advantages over its competitors." His research appears in Inderscience's International Journal of Nuclear Governance, Economy and Ecology*.
Economies of scale help technologies to succeed, Ausubel points out. But there are no economies of scale with renewables. Just the opposite. More power from renewables means more land is used up. In fact the area needed for each kilowatt of power most likely increases.
This is because land that is good for wind, hydro-
Looking at each renewable in turn paints a grim picture of their impact on the environment.
Take hydro-
This would still generate just 80% of the energy produced by Canada's existing nuclear power stations. Put another way, each square kilometre of dammed land would provide electricity for just 12 Canadians.
Biomass energy is also horribly inefficient and destructive of nature. Vast areas would have to be harvested each year to produce power for a large part of the USA. To get the same electricity from biomass as from one nuclear power plant would take 2500 square kilometres of prime Iowa land.
"Increased use of biomass fuel in any form is criminal," says Ausubel. "Humans must spare land for nature. Every automobile would require a pasture of 1-
What about wind? A wind farm is three to ten times smaller than a biomass farm, Ausubel says. But 770 square kilometres of land are still needed to produce as much energy as one nuclear plant (generating 1000 megawatts electrical).
To supply the electricity the US used in 2005 would have taken a wind farm the size of Texas. This would have been covered with structures to extract, store and transport the energy. Even this is wildly optimistic, since it assumes round-
One hundred square metres is a good size for a Manhattan apartment. But a far greater area would be needed to extract wind energy to run its laundry, microwave oven, plasma TV and computer. New York City would need every square metre of Connecticut turned into wind farms to power its electrical equipment.
Solar power is not the answer either. You could build a solar cell plant that would produce the same electricity as a 1000 megawatts nuclear power plant. But you'd have to paint 150 square kilometres of land black to do it. And you would need more land for storage and retrieval of the energy.
Every form of renewable energy needs vast infrastructure - concrete, steel, roads, Ausubel says. "As a Green, one of my credos is 'no new structures'. But renewables all involve ten times or more stuff per kilowatt as natural gas or nuclear."
The full footprint of uranium mining adds just a few hundred square kilometres.
There are certainly concerns about waste storage, safety and security. But the dense heart of the atom offers by far the smallest footprint of any energy source. Economies of scale would mean that the nuclear industry could increase the amount of energy it produces while shrinking the size of its power plants, Ausubel says.
This is what has happened in the computer industry. With investment and research, computers have grown steadily smaller and much more powerful.
"If we want to minimise new structures and the rape of nature, nuclear energy is the best option," says Ausubel.
"Renewables may be renewable, but they are not green."
*"Renewable and nuclear heresies", International Journal of Nuclear Governance, Economy and Ecology, Vol. 1, No. 3, 2007 229-
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The science in this story is simple – if you're a scientist. Young people still at school have a lot of misconceptions about energy and power, which is not surprising since it took scientists themselves many centuries to get it right. Research shows that children often believe energy is intimately linked with being alive; they confuse energy with force; they see it as a type of fuel or a kind of fluid. These different misconceptions can often be held by the same person in different situations. To try to make things clearer to young people in school, "more time should be devoted to qualitative questions", according to researcher Reinders Duit*, and "students should be advised to explain the physical phenomena in their own words". This story provides a good opportunity to do precisely that. Working in groups students should tackle any or all of the following questions, some of which require research. 1 Fuel can be used up but energy can't. Explain this. 2 Imagine a power cut that lasts a whole day. Make a list of the things you do each day that you could no longer do. What if the power cut lasted a week, a month, a year? 3 Do the What kind of science news? exercises above. These are likely to generate even more debate and discussion than usual. 4 Using the results from these exercises try to answer the following questions: 1) What science has Ausubel actually done? 2) Are there any new discoveries in the story? 3) So what kind of story is this? 5 Make a list of the steps (no more than half a dozen for each) in getting electricity from wind, dammed water, biomass and solar cells. Then do the same for nuclear. In what way are solar cells different to all the others? 6 Confusion about concepts is not helped by the use of many different units for energy and power. These include joules and calories, and for electricity a set of units that sounds like they should be power but are actually energy – kilowatt- Working in groups, students should create as many examples as they can that illustrate joules (lifting an apple a metre in the air, dropping a bag of sugar), kilocalories (heating a kilogram of water, converting chocolate to motion) and kilowatt- 7 In the paper itself Ausubel describes himself as a Green, and goes on to say: "I should mention that I am not naïve about nuclear. Privileged to work with Soviet colleagues who participated in the Chernobyl clean- In one sentence students should answer this question: What is a Green? *Duit, R. (1983) Energy conceptions held by students and consequences for science teaching In: Helm, H. and Novak, J.D. (eds). Proceedings of the International Seminar: Misconceptions in Science and Mathematics, 20- Tips for science class discussions and groupwork No 56 The connection between science and literacy is the subject of much attention in the science education community. This attention comes in large part from three sources. One is the growing body of research in science teaching and learning that suggests that language is essential for effective science learning – for clarity of thought, description, discussion and argument, as well as for recording and presentation of results. In addition to engaging in direct investigation of scientific phenomena, students make meaning by writing science, talking science and reading science. At the root of deep understanding of science concepts and scientific processes is the ability to Extract from Douglas, R. (ed.) et al. (2006) Linking Science & Literacy in the K-
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