Out of body in the lab

University College London: 23- Scientists can now give healthy people an out- An out- Out- Around one in ten people claim to have had an out- What happens during one of these is that a person seems to be seeing his or her own body from outside of it. Out- The experiences have been talked about in articles on religion, philosophy and psychology, he goes on. “Although out- Being able to produce the illusion in the lab is important, Ehrsson says. One reason is that this tells us a little about how we normally get the feeling of being inside our bodies. Scientists don’t know much about that. “This represents a significant advance, because the experience of one’s own body as the centre of awareness is a fundamental aspect of self-consciousness,” Ehrsson says. Discovering how to create an out- One possible application is computer games, Ehrsson suggests. We should now be able to put people into a virtual character. That would mean they would feel and respond just as if they were that character. “The experience of playing video games could reach a whole new level. But it could go much beyond that. For example a surgeon could perform remote surgery, by controlling their virtual self from a different location.” The way the scientists create the experience in the lab is like this. A person sits in a chair wearing a small screen over each eye. These are connected to two cameras behind the participant’s head. The image from the left camera is sent to the left eye screen. The image from the right camera is sent to the right eye screen. The participant’s brains sees these separate images as one 3- In this case, though, the participants see their own back as it would look to someone sitting behind them. The researcher then stands beside the participant. He touches the participant’s actual chest with a rod. At the same time he seems to touch the chest of the image’s body. He does this by moving a second rod towards where that body would be, just below the camera’s view. When this is done the participants feel they are sitting behind their own body and looking at it. “This was a bizarre, fascinating experience for the participants,” Ehrsson says. “It felt absolutely real for them and was not scary. Many of them giggled and said ‘Wow, this is so weird!’”. To test the illusion some more, Ehrsson did another experiment. He measured the response of the participant’s body. In particular he measured the amount of sweat on the skin. He did this when it looked like the imaginary body was being threatened. The response showed strongly that the participant thought the threat was real. This whole experiment came from an idea Ehrsson had as a medical student. He wondered what would happen to our feeling of self if we could move our eyes a few metres away. This would let us see ourselves from the outside. Would the self follow the eyes or stay in the body, Ehrsson wondered. This experiment seems to have answered that question. The illusion is different from anything published before, Ehrsson says. “It is the first to involve a change in the perceived location of the self, relative to the physical body.” It is also different from any virtual reality set- This is a very exciting development, Ehrsson says. “It has implications for a range of disciplines from neuroscience to theology.” More help with words evidence convulsions seizure More science teaching resources for this story What's it all about? Topic for discussion, research or pupil presentations There are countless stories about out- A search on "out of body experience" in Google yields no fewer than 145 millions hits, while Yahoo finds an even more whopping 195 million. Here's a small sample of them: Alice: The first thing I experienced was the reality of consciousness ....everywhere! On every level I saw it. I felt it and experienced the reality of a caterpillar, and I was shown that life on any and all levels is equal and the level of awareness in every creature is the same. ... and it was as though I poked my head through some layer of some kind and I could see that there were not just a few dimensions, but that the dimensions went on and on... that there was nothing but creation continuing, never ending. Dorothy: I couldn't believe it, but I knew, that I was dying. I was on the NE corner of the ceiling and adjacent to me on the NW corner of the ceiling, was a male presence who was "pulling" me with some kind of rope or cord that was connected to me, and he was telling me, "It's time to go, it's time to leave this world" and I told him "No! I can't leave my Mom, my Dad, Melvin Calvin Pete Marylou and Dolores. Michael: She was holding a bowl of fruit in one arm. ... Oya showed herself as a black woman who had the most amazing brilliant white, deep, "old" eyes that I have ever seen. She was absolutely HUGE and very, very tall. I could tell just by looking into her eyes that this was a very wise collection of not just one spirit, but many, many spirits, probably hundreds, who are fiercely powerful. She had on an orange robe and a white turban- So the questions for discussion today are these: What is the difference between this type of account and the research reported in the news story? What is it exactly that makes Ehrsson's work science while most of the hundreds of millions of out- Some are pure fantasy, but others are no doubt genuine attempts to recount exactly what one person experienced. Can this kind of subjective experience be part of science? If so how do we separate it from fiction, illusion, delusion or just plain lies? Is Ehrsson's work science because it was done in a lab using scientific equipment? Is it science because it was done by people who call themselves scientists? Is it science because the story appears on a website called Real Science? What is it that makes something science? Tips for science class discussions and groupwork No 59 Teachers often do not appreciate how the process of argumentation can help pupils engage with and understand the conceptual basis of what is under discussion. By thinking about alternative theories and the nature of evidence that supports them, pupils can be helped to appreciate not only the reasons for established scientific views but also why alternative views are not accepted. Commitment to these epistemological aims is necessary for teachers to implement ‘ideas and evidence’ lessons successfully. Simon, S. and Maloney, J. (2006) Learning to teach ‘ideas and evidence’ in science: a study of school mentors and trainee teachers. School Science Review, 87(321), pp 75-
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