Teacher notes
This website is the main resource for Make it in Scotland Lesson B.
With the exception of this page itself, and a few notes to teachers elsewhere in the text, the entire site is addressed to students. This means that the words can be used/adapted by teachers during a lesson, and can also act as a reminder to students of what it is they are being asked to do.
Activity timings are provided for single period and double period lessons. Inevitably
lessons that involve role-
It would be more effective educationally, and satisfying for the students, if activities were spread over two or more lessons, with students also progressing the project outside the classroom. This type of assignment usually generates a great deal of engagement and enthusiasm, with young people keen to work on it in their own time.
Glow Groups would be the ideal medium for this.
Make it in Scotland is now fundamentally inclusive, with lessons based on well-
To stimulate interest in jobs and careers in manufacturing.
To increase young people’s awareness of the continuing significance of manufacturing to the Scottish economy and labour market.
To develop young people's planning, organising and teamworking skills – the 'soft' skills – so they are better equipped for the world of work.
Learning Outcomes
Young people:
Resources and preparation
Some of the multimedia files on the website are large and can take several minutes
to open, depending on the speed of the broadband connection. It is worthwhile downloading
these to local storage before a lesson begins, so that students can play them on
demand. The Rolls-
The lesson motivation is feasible only if two or more periods are available, and in that case the teacher can decide how much of it to use. Within a single period, words can be selected/adapted by the teacher to get the main message across and students can be encouraged to peruse it later at their leisure.
It would also be useful, particularly in the single period case, to introduce the Make it in Scotland lesson motivation towards the end of a previous lesson.
Classroom organisation
Teachers who have not used cooperative learning before can examine the principles and structures, and if possible introduce them to their class for some parts of earlier lessons. The structures recommended for Make it in Scotland are straightforward and intuitive, but the educational benefits are enhanced as both teacher and class experience with cooperative learning grows.
Assigning pupils to groups should not be done randomly, but by taking account of
individual interests and abilities. Having close friends working together is to be
avoided. A mix of practical and academic skills is the ideal, and also of boys and
girls, although single-
Role cards or printed guidance sheets should also be assigned by the teacher using knowledge of individual students’ interests and aptitudes.
The person in a group nominated for a particular part of an activity -
The interview assignment is role-
Times for each activity should be announced clearly before it begins, making sure
every group is aware of the limits -
Group members are assigned numbers for some tasks. This should be done just before the first activity that needs the numbered heads, rather than at the start of the lesson, when participants already have plenty to absorb.
Desktop computers in schools are often arranged along walls. Students need access four at a time to these. For most of the lesson however they should be seated in groups of four, with two pairs facing each other and a flat surface between for working and writing upon.
The marketing product lesson will go more smoothly, on the first occasion with any
class, if the teacher has chosen in advance which medium the groups will use for
their product -
With a little practice it would be educationally valuable to allow groups to choose their own medium for their marketing product, and for the teacher to provide whatever they might need to do so. This does make for a much more complex lesson.
In manufacturing industry, and indeed the workplace in general, people work in teams. Within education it is more common to talk about working in groups. Throughout these lessons and resources the word group refers to a set of students working together in school on some project or activity. The word team refers to a set of real or imagined employees working together in a company.
Company information sheets
A selection of these is included, covering companies with operations around the different regions of Scotland. These have also been chosen to show the wide variety of sectors and products that manufacturing industry encompasses.
Other companies can readily be added using this same basic layout. Teachers, schools or authorities that would like to suggest companies for inclusion should contact Careers Scotland.
We can’t really see what the apprentices are doing or what their workplace looks like, and there seem to be no young women working there. Back
The majority of resources on the Make it in Scotland website are addressed directly to students. This gives teachers the flexibility to choose which sections will be spoken by them and which will be read by the students.
The section on cooperative learning, however, is addressed entirely to teachers, as are occasional notes such as this, whose Back button returns a reader to the main text.